Ice Cream, Ice Cream, We All Want Ice Cream in Belton
Who doesn’t want to eat ice cream for breakfast? Welcome to Highlight My Town! We had the privilege of highlighting One More Scoop in Belton, Missouri. They have their annual event coming up, Ice Cream for Breakfast on Saturday, February 6th from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. You’ll have to check this out folks. Sounds awesome, right?
Do you want some fresh, homemade ice cream? One More Scoop, here in Belton, Missouri, is the place to get it! It’s definitely, without a doubt, the best ice cream near me. They make all their ice cream in the store, right in the back. According to co-owner, Nick Noren, it’s a fun process. “By far, the most fun part is making the ice cream. It’s surprisingly very quick to make. We make two or three buckets of ice cream, depending on which kind it is, in seven minutes, from cream to frozen. So our machine is pretty impressive. And we really, really enjoy it. It’s really fun.”
How One More Scoop in Belton Was Born
One More Scoop has been open in Belton for 2 years this upcoming May! The three owners previously owned another local restaurant for six years or so before opening the ice cream shop. They decided to get out of that business to start making ice cream in their basement for almost a year, and then they figured they should go for it. That’s how the story of One More Scoop in Belton was born.
Not only do they serve delicious ice cream at the store, they have a trailer that they do events with around the Kansas City area. They take the trailer to neighborhoods, pools, and other community events. This year, they will be adding a 2nd ice cream trailer so they can better cover all of Kansas and Missouri.
The folks at One More Scoop say they try to be health conscious when making their ice cream, as much as ice cream can be healthy. They try to use as many natural ingredients as possible. Everything that you see behind the counter is what they actually put in the ice cream. They don’t use any red dye 40s or any dyes or colorings or anything like that. They make it as natural as possible.
Dairy Free Ice Cream in Belton, MO
Most of their ice creams are made up of only two or three ingredients total. They know exactly what’s going into the ice cream since they make it themselves. They also offer several dairy free ice cream varieties that are made with oat milk. In the past, they used coconut milk, but you could taste the coconut in a lot of the ice creams, so they switched over to oat milk over the last few months. The dairy free options sell really well at the store.
One More Scoop has something for everybody. They currently offer six dairy free options and 30 other ice cream flavors at their store. They have sorbets, and they’re working on sugar-free ice cream. It’s very tough to make sugar free ice cream taste good, so they are still working on that. They plan to offer sugar-free ice cream soon. Those on the keto diet are sure to like that, and the keto people are who they are going for, as well as customers who are looking for a sugar-free option.
Recommend A Flavor At One More Scoop
Don’t be shy folks. You can also recommend a flavor. In fact, they make a lot of flavors that people just let them know about. They had never heard of black walnut ice cream before, until a customer mentioned it to them. They made it, and they’ve been making black walnut ice cream ever since.
Check out their website at The owners do a great job at keeping all ice cream flavors up to date. If you are coming from the Kansas side, you can look online before you come and make sure they have the flavor you want, or see what you want to order before you come. The store stays active on Instagram and Facebook. Anytime they have a new flavor coming out, they always post it on Facebook and Instagram.
Be sure to check out this awesome ice cream shop! This is by far the best ice cream near me. One More Scoop is located at 803 East North Avenue, Belton, Missouri 64012. Look for the big blue chairs outside. If you see the blue chairs, that means they are open and ready to serve you some amazing ice cream.